Mittwoch, November 23, 2005
Link: Don't do Shell Extensions in .Net
This is an interesting information (found via Larry Osterman):
Don't do Shell Extension Handlers in .NET (MSDN blog from Junfeng Zhang).
I wrote a little .SGF Shell extension for go players. It's old VC6 code and I don't really consider rewriting it - but it's a very interesting information that it's also a BAD idea to do this in .NET (which would have been my primary choice next time).
(ps: there's a little update to come though for my SGF tools: I'll make an installer soon).

Montag, November 14, 2005
Windows blog clients (preferrably free)
Blog clients are tools to write and edit blog entries instead of doing it directly in the browser (I hate that). So let me just state this:
- w.Bloggar works ok and is almost feature complete,
- IMHO Instant Blogger has WYSIWYG editing but has not as much features (only one blog, no editing of old entries, configuration not as easy)
- BlogJet is nice but 40 Euros
- my new star is the great Zoundry BlogWriter - it beats them all (read my german rants about it):
- free
- WYSIWYG editor, preview with automatic template import of (great!)
- manages multiple blogs, old entries, offline saving, tags, ...
I don't think Zoundry's business idea (being a middle man for affiliate links) will work. So download their free client fast - as long as this company is alive. It doesn't need any registration or Zoundry accounts and is working well (my version: 0.9.137)
Interesting: the whole program seems to be written in Python - this is the first Windows application I see written in Python and it's remarkably well done.
(Update Aug.30th 2006: WindowsLiveWriter is new and free, quite sexy and works with many Blog engines. Even has an Sdk and is on its way to the most sophisticated blog client. Hmm.)