Montag, Mai 08, 2006
Visual Studio 2005 C++ code template/snippet add-ins
CodeWiz (VS6, eVC3) and CodeWiz2 (VS2003) are great free plugins for Microsoft C++ IDEs. They were saving me quite some time when coding C++ in past. The header<->source switching, code templates and paste members features are very just helpful. Now I'm starting with a C++ project under Visual Studio 2005 and I heavily miss these features.
Now I am badly searching for a free C++ add-in for VS 2005 which supports code templates or code snippets. It's just too bad that Visual Studios built-in code snippets are NOT available for C++ ! Unfortunately I didn't find any free alternatives for CodeWiz for VS 2005, just these:
Established Code-Template-Add-Ins for C++ (not free, often with many other features)
- CodeSmith (around 500$, the last free CodeSmith v2.6 is not working for Visual Studio 2005 I suppose)
- Visual Assixt X (around 130$, its autotext feature looks good, seems good bang for the buck, positive rumours about it from one of our customers)
- CodeSmart G2 (around 250$, seems good and with a nice templating system as well)
- (CodeRush is established but not supporting C++)
(Interesting other free Add-Ins for C++ found during search:
Probably we opt for Visual Assist X as a supplement for Resharper. Just downloading their trial.
Update 9th July 2006: Visual Assist X works quite good. The Header-Switching, C++ Code templates, ability to enable Resharper like colors for C++, help for typing include<file...> is all really helpful. Positive also that the same plugin works under eVC 3.0, VC++ 6, Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005, sharing the settings e.g. for templates and colors for the same languages. I still miss the copy-member feature of CodeWiz2.
Update Aug. 30th 2006: the new version of CodeWiz 2 works in Visual Studio 2005.
Update Sep. 19th 2006: The new version 10 of Visual AssistX is a major update, containing simple refactoring support for C++ now. We have Ref++ for that right now, which is rather mediocre. Currently I have 3 Add-ins for coding C++ in Visual Studio 2005 - dropping Ref++ means it's just two now. Yeah.
Update Nov. 1st 2006: It seems Visual Studio 2005 finally supports Code Snippets too for C++ with their new Powertoys.