Donnerstag, Dezember 13, 2007
COM without Registry - Side-by-Side Assemblies in XP
It's oh so late. I'm discovering registration-free COM!
- "How To Build and Service Isolated Applications and Side-by-Side Assemblies for Windows XP"
With Windows XP, the assembly is described by a manifest; the registry is no longer relied upon for storing and accessing the COM activation data.
- "Escape DLL Hell Simplify App Deployment with ClickOnce and Registration-Free COM"
So finally I can't escape those *** manifests.
Isolated=True in VS2005 already does a bit of the manifest generation work. But for C++ components with custom interfaces (IUnknown instead IDispatch) the manifests may need some patching.
- Change dependencyType="install" to dependencyType="preRequisite". Otherwise VS 2005 Setup project still registers the COM dll even if it's set to vsdrfDoNotRegister.
- We'd better also mention the proxy-stub-dll. Described here:
keywords: "Unable to cast COM object" isolated registration free COM vsdrfDoNotRegister asmv2:dependencyType="preRequesite" asmv2:dependencyType="install" dependentAssembly comInterfaceProxyStub
Aftermath: (2007-12-14) It does work with .dlls, but cross apartment calls to a side-by-side OCX don't work for me (OCX built with VC++6). I really have all the comInterfaceExternalProxyStub entries in the manifest, but still I get a System.Reflection.TargetException if I call the OCX functions from .Net from a Non-UI thread. If I call the OCX functions via BeginInvoke all is fine.
But since I made the experience that the cross apartment synchronization from COM works notably faster than using BeginInvoke.