Donnerstag, April 24, 2008
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Cool Client Stuff - Client Settings FAQ
Have a boolean setting called CallUpgrade and give it a default value of true. When your app starts up, you can do something like:
if (Properties.Settings.Value.CallUpgrade) {
Properties.Settings.Value.CallUpgrade = false;
Note: My.Settings.Upgrade doesn't upgrade?
* Solution * After knowing how My.Settings.Upgrade() works, we can find that making exe assembly as strong named assembly is one solution to this problem.
Continuous Integration Server:
- TeamCity Professional is slick and nice and distributed and free, but when you exceed its limits (20 build configurations, 3 agents) money has to roll. Really a nice product though.
- Hudson is an interesting really free alternative with no artificial restrictions, absolutely simple to setup, also everything configurable through a web gui, yet powerful including distributed builds and a very interesting matrix project type.
- ( gets all the press but it's ugly and manually editing the XML files is just not working for a team; Apache Continuum may rise to an interesting product as well but their lack of basic docs makes me a bit nervous right now; most of the commercial build/integrations servers seem to target the infamous enterprise area and I think smell big money there which shines through).